Back in 2021 with plenty to share

 Hello readers! Needless to say that I have been absent from this page for some time while I worked on my Kawartha Beads business, the kids grew like weeds before my eyes, and the entire world changed! Although I may not have been writing it was certainly a year for introspection, finding creative ways to stay entertained at home and SAVE MONEY! Like many people out there I went to work for my lunch shift on a Monday in March 2020 and by the time I came back for my dinner shift was told that I would be "temporarily" laid off. While I wish that writing and crafting paid the bills they are not my actual day (evening) job. Crafter by day, waitress at night, the food service industry was one that was hard hit and as I write this post servers are once again "temporarily" laid off. I will go into more details in subsequent posts about getting through these times.   As you know I am a saver, live frugally and have often expressed the importance of saving for a rainy day but I definitely did not feel prepared for the potential for no paycheque for an undetermined amount of time with mouths at home to feed. I recently decided that now was the time to revisit this blog, I could feel the itch to write, and maybe its my therapy for this troubling time in history. So welcome back and I hope you will find a tip or two for your own family along the way!

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